As Victoria approach its 80% fully vaccinated target and our economy reopens, many industries will begin to require proof of vaccination status for people to enter their premises, including places such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, retail centres, construction sites and major sporting venues. In line with this approach, we will introduce a ‘no vaccination, no entry’ policy from the 5th of November for all people entering the building. This will apply to our staff, patients, contractors and other visitors. 

Children under 16 and adults unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons are exempt, providing they have no respiratory symptoms (i.e. fever, sore throat, runny nose). We will continue to see all patients with respiratory symptoms in our Respiratory Module, with our GP’s wearing full PPE.

Please be reassured that we are not attempting to deny the provision of care to anyone. Our intent is the opposite – by keeping the clinic safe and our staff safe, we can remain open and care for our patients. It is important that patients know Eastbound Clinic will be a 100% fully vaccinated COVID safe environment to attend from November onwards and throughout 2022.

If you choose not to be vaccinated for COVID, we respect your choice – you can book a telehealth consultation instead (phone or video). If your GP requires a face to face consult, you will simply need to arrange a COVID test (rapid home test or PCR nasal swab) and provide a negative test result on arrival. This is not negotiable.

We appreciate that this may be confronting for some people and will do our best to make things as easy as possible. We are working to integrate confirmation of vaccination status with our booking system to streamline the process. 

Please note, patients coming in for COVID vaccines will be exempt from this policy.