Please join us in welcoming Eastbound’s newest female GP – Dr Saveena Nithiananthan.

Dr Nithiananthan graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2008 and has had extensive experience as a country GP in South Australia and Victoria. She is also a Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner. Saveena is also a part-time Medical Educator with EV GP training and is a RACGP Examiner. In 2020, during the pandemic, Saveena became a mother and has found that life as she knew it has changed. She still tries to find time to do things she loves – hiking, dining out and travelling with the support of her husband.

Saveena has a range of special interests, including women’s health, child and adolescent health, lifestyle medicine, chronic disease management and preventative health care. She is also able to perform minor surgical procedures, including Implanon insertion/removal and iron infusions. Additionally, Saveena is multilingual and speaks English, Malay and Tamil.

Dr Nithiananthan will consult at Eastbound all day Tuesday and Thursday mornings, starting November 9th 2021.

Interested in making an appointment to see Dr Nithiananthan? Visit our online booking system, AMS Connect, or contact our friendly reception team on 9579 3522.